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Is there scholarship support available?

Yes, most students from Syria are awarded a 100% scholarship to attend UWC. Students are selected independently of their parents' ability to pay for their tuition fees. After a student is selected, parents may be asked to contribute to the student's school fees according to their ability. 

What does a scholarship to UWC cover?

A scholarships to attend a UWC cover school fees, accommodation, books and food. Scholarships do not normally include the cost of transport to the school, the cost of visas, insurance or pocket money, which parents are expected to cover. In special circumstances, the school or the selection committee will be able to pay for personal expenses. All students, regardless of their parents' ability to pay, are therefore encouraged to apply. 

Does it matter that I cannot speak English? 

No. This should not discourage anyone to participate in our competitive selection process. Speaking English is not a requirement to submit your application to UWC Syria.

In any case, for those interested in applying to UWC Syria, it is highly recommended to make an effort to improve their English during the selection process.

Is it fine if I fill the application form electronically or should I fill the paper form and then scan it? 

As a rule, the application must be submitted electronically through the UWC Application Portal. However, in special circumstances, exceptions can be made. Please contact us if you are having problems submitting the application electronically.

Should I send the supporting documents in both Arabic and English? 

For the first phase of the selection process (i.e. when you submit your application), you can send the supporting documents in Arabic only. But please be advised that in case of admission, you have to translate the Arabic documents to English by a sworn translator.

What is the application and selection process like? 

Visit our selection process pages

Will there be any tests as part of the selection process? 

No. The National Committee will reach out to applicants that reach the second stage of assessment to invite them to a group interview.

Should I follow IB course to prepare for the UWC school? 

No, UWC Schools and Colleges teach IB so you don't have to take any preparatory courses as a prerequisite to get admitted.

I am having trouble deciding my eligibility based on age. Can you help me? 

Please check the table on the eligibility criteria page. We hope it will make easier for you.

In case of admission, what about the visa process? How and where will I apply? 

After you get admitted, you will be contacted by the UWC school and they will assist you throughout the visa procedure.

I am a Syrian national but I live abroad. Who should I submit my application to? 

It is recommended that you apply through the Syrian National Committee. If you wish to apply through the Committee in the country where you are currently living, that may also be possible if they agree to process your application.

We remind you, however, that students are not allowed to submit applications to two National Committees.

I am Syrian and have studied in Syria my whole life but I had to leave the country due to the current unrest, how should I apply? 

You have to apply through the Syrian National Committee.

We remind you that students are not allowed to submit applications to two National Committees.

I am a Palestinian national with a Syrian travel document, but I live abroad. Who should I submit my application to? 

You have to apply through the Syrian National Committee.

We remind you that students are not allowed to submit applications to two National Committees.

I live in Syria, but I am not a citizen. Who should I submit my application to? 

Palestinians who live in Syria should submit their application to the Syrian selection committee.

All other nationalities should contact the National Committee in the country where they are citizens to ask if they accept applications from non-residents. If your National Committee returns with a negative answer, you can apply to UWC Syria.

Can I continue my university education at UWC? 

No, UWC Schools and Colleges offer two years of pre-university education. The student will be responsible for securing a university admission and will get support from college advisors provided by the school. However, all UWC Syrian alumni were able to secure university admissions and scholarships so far.

Can I use my International Baccalaureate Diploma to register in the public university system in Syria? 

The Syrian Ministry of Education accepts the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) and adjusts the grades obtained following the Ministry's procedures. For a precedent of acceptance of the IB in Syria, please see section two of this document, which was sent from the Ministry of Education to ICARDA International School in Aleppo, which teaches the International Baccalaureate.

Can I go home during vacations? 

Yes, most students go home during the summer vacation, and some also return during the winter break. If a student is unable to go back, the school will assist in making arrangements so that he/she can stay at the school or with a host family.

Can I attend UWC for only one year? 

No, a UWC education is a two-year programme.

Can I apply to a specific school or college? 

No. Students may state their preference in their application form or interview, but the selection committee decides what school the successful candidates are offered places at.

Where can I find more information about UWC? 

You can read more on UWC International's website:

The Syrian National Committee’s page on facebook:

Or you can read more about the International Baccalaureate here:

Who do I turn to if I have other questions not asked here? 

If you have any other questions, please contact us on